
Spiritleaf Pride Collaboration
In June 2021, I was approached by the lovely folks at Spiritleaf to create a painting that would live in their Calgary Beltline location to celebrate pride.
The idea behind this piece was first and foremost to uplift my fellow queer community. Additionally, with a special request from Spiritleaf, this painting exists as a collaborative piece of art that viewers can interact with. Viewers are encouraged to add their interpretation to the age old question of ‘what is love?’

chinook blast “Between a Rock and an Art Place”
In anticipation of Curling Canada’s Season of Champions coming to Calgary for the winter of 2021, Chinook Blast and its stakeholders selected 16 local visual artists to design and paint curling rocks to be displayed throughout Calgary’s downtown core.
I was selected and created a piece titled “Portraits of a Queer Calgary” that featured contour portraits of prominent Queer Calgarians along with shapes and colour.